How Technology Has Changed Our Kitchen Appliances
August 16, 2016
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January 4, 2017

7 Fun, Filling And Healthy Quick Weight Loss Tips For Long-Term Fitness Success

Some resources say that quick weight loss tips are just that. They make you lose weight fast, but then again, you’ll gain the pounds back again. The key ought to be about keeping the weight off forever. But according to a Reader’s Digest article, quick weight loss can lead to permanent weight loss. That is, after losing weight fast, you’ll feel good about yourself that it’ll give you a psychological boost. You’ll so love being fit and skinny that you’ll feel encouraged to stick to your new weight loss diet and habits. However, there are extreme plans that can’t be sustained for long, and the moment you stop doing them, you gain weight again. To combat that tendency, here are some tips for quick and safe weight loss.

  1. Make your kitchen inaccessible for 12 hours. Yes, close your kitchen for half a day. No raiding of the fridge after finishing your dinner at 7:30 p.m. until you prepare your breakfast at 7:30 a.m. the next day. Motivate yourself to skip midnight snacking. On that time at night when you feel your food cravings, tell yourself “I’ll go to sleep now, and soon I’ll feel wow”!
  2. Drink water when you feel like going to the kitchen and eating. Instead of getting food, get a glass of water to satiate yourself when you feel “hungry”. Research show that people who go on a diet confuse thirst for hunger when they feel cravings.
  3. Whenever you feel the urge to grab food and eat, ask yourself these 2 questions: “Am I really hungry”? and “What’s the reason why I’m hungry?” You may be bored, stressed or are procrastinating whenever you feel like eating. Maybe you’re just lonely or depressed and need a hug. So when that time comes when you want to eat, distract yourself for about 10 minutes and decide if you really need to bite that chow. It can have a big impact on your weight loss plan.
  4. Munch an appetizer to start your meal. Begin your dinner by slurping a broth-based soup or by munching a plate of salad. Doing so makes you feel full already. It will prolong your meal and you aren’t likely to scarf your food down. Eating slow contributes to reducing your weight. Keep your entrée and sides at the other end of the table until you’re done with the appetizer to prevent you from eating too quickly.
  5. Reduce portions of your food except veggies. On the other hand, you should supersize servings of veggies at your table. You can accelerate weight reduction if you eat only 2 food groups- meat and carbohydrates. Your serving of pasta should be as big as your fist while your meat serving should merely be 3 ounces, as big as a bar of soap.
  6. Perk up your munchies, don’t deprive yourself. It won’t do your quick weight loss plan any good if you deprive yourself. If soda isn’t good for you, cut back and find an alternative. Something bubbly such as flavored water or seltzer can replace it.
  7. Reward yourself with yummy treats (sometimes). Set a time for some indulgence, such as a bar of pricey dark chocolate after eating your dinner. Granting your gastronomic desires from time to time will make it easier for you to turn down other calorific temptations, such as an office birthday cake.

Take it easy if you want to lose weight quick. These quick weight loss tips will make your weight loss journey a fun, fulfilling and healthy experience.

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